Grupotec Competitive photovoltaic energy
for a more sustainable world

Grupotec Competitive photovoltaic energy
for a more sustainable world

Our value proposition

Our value proposition

Competitiveness is the challenge posed by renewable energies to increase their prominence in the market compared to conventional energies.

All of GRUPOTEC’s activities and our best efforts in the photovoltaic business are aimed at making our value proposition more competitive every day. In this way, we are able to expand the photovoltaic energy market and make our small contribution to a more sustainable world.

Construidos llave en mano
MW Desarrollados
En O&M

Our experience

Specialists in new trends in the sector and with experience in photovoltaic projects of different technologies and sizes:

Rooftop plants

Ground-mounted plants

Hybridization projects

Storage plants

More than 50 rooftop plant projects built, with power ranging between 0.1 MW and 4 MW.

Modules on ground with a fixed structure or with single-axis trackers, of any size, from 1 MW to 92 MW.

Wind and photovoltaic energy hybridization projects.

Storage plants using battery systems.

Our experience

Specialists in new trends in the sector and with experience in photovoltaic projects of different technologies and sizes:

Rooftop plants

More than 50 rooftop plant projects built with powers ranging between 0.1 MW and 4 MW.

Ground-mounted plants

Modules on ground with a fixed structure or with single-axis trackers, of any size, from 1 MW to 92 MW.

Hybridization projects

Wind and photovoltaic energy hybridization projects.

Storage plants

Storage plants using battery systems.


To be more competitive every day, we have developed a business model that is based on three pillars:

Throughout the value chain

We work throughout the value chain, a business model in which we thoroughly approach the entire construction and operation process of photovoltaic plants.

Engineering team

A powerful, highly specialized engineering team, which allows us to optimize the designs of our plants and continuously improve the construction processes.

Flexible structure

At Grupotec we have a flexible structure that allows us to be competitive and build PV projects of different sizes around the world.

We work throughout the value chain

Our value-added proposition

  • Desarrollo de proyectos fotovoltaicos
    • Ubicaciones de sitios y contratos de arrendamiento. • Estudios de viabilidad • Definición del proyecto • Obtención de los permisos y licencias necesarias
  • Estructuración financiera
    • Elaboración del caso base para la financiación de proyectos • Investigación y selección de las organizaciones financieras. • Gestión del due diligence técnico, legal, fiscal y ambiental del proyecto
  • Construcción
    • Optimización del diseño • Gestión de compras • Transporte y montaje • Control de calidad • Proyecto de legalización
  • Operación & Mantenimiento
    • Plan de seguimiento y mantenimiento. • Administración del vehículo de propósito especial
  • Gestión de activos
    • Gestión de ventas de electricidad • Gestión de financiación de proyectos • Información para inversores


+2700 MW

We have a long history in the development of photovoltaic projects in different countries of Europe, America and Africa: Spain, United Kingdom, Italy, France, Netherlands, Chile, Colombia, Puerto Rico and Kenia.

We address the entire development process, including:


+1100 MW

A powerful engineering team, specialized and with long experience, is one of the keys to our value-added proposal.

We not only build under the specifications of our clients: we provide our “Know How”.

We have a solid balance sheet, and the guarantees and guarantees that make our EPCs bankable and meet the requirements of a Project Finance.

Our flexible structure allows us to be competitive to build projects of different sizes all over the world.

Operation and maintenance

+530 MW

GRUPOTEC manages the operation and maintenance of photovoltaic plants with the highest quality standards. Thus we guarantee the highest performance and maximum availability of the equipment during its lifetime.

Currently, we operate and maintain more than 230 facilities around the world: France, Spain, United Kingdom, United States…

Asset Management

Asset Management


GRUPOTEC assumes the integral management of photovoltaic assets from the experience and knowledge that the fact of participating in the entire value chain of the photovoltaic business gives us. The service covers:

Photovoltaic projects

Photovoltaic projects

Tabernas (Almería)