Grupotec participates in ‘Personas que Brillan’ II Solidarity Gala
Last Friday 28 January, the II Solidarity Gala by Personas que Brillan was celebrated, an initiative led by SPB joined by over 50 companies and institutions. GRUPOTEC is an active participant in this project that aims to promote health and efficiency, within the RSC and ODS framework, making people the protagonists.
During the gala, over 17.550€ was raised from the 23 companies that were participants in the 2018 challenge which will be destined to the Premios Hospital Optimista and the Casa Ronald McDonald de Valencia.
These donations have come from the app «Run to the Moon» from Personas que Brillan. This app consists of amounting kilometers through three different types of actions, physical activity, mindfulness and actions on the ODS.
Furthermore, the Gala also advanced what new solidarity causes where going to be collaborated with in 2019. A total of 10 of which will be supported with different initiatives. In fact, the amounted kilometers in the first four months will support the work «Mamás en Acción».
The secretary of autonomic employment, Enric Nomdedèu, and the subsecretary of the Health Council (Conselleria de Sanidad y Salud Púbilca), Juan Angel Poyatos, participated in the event and transmitted their support to the Valencian government and this initiative.